
Message 301: Six Fluffy Wee Rabbits

In 2004 Radiohead released The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth of All Time, Twenty-four short films with music by Radiohead. The DVD, almost two-hours long, contains music videos directed by the likes of Sophie Muller, stunning video-shorts contributed by fans, an instructional but fascinating video on how to create a chickenbomb, mock interviews, odd interludes, et cetera, et cetera. Early in the DVD, a fake, comic interview titled “My showbiz life: THOM YORKE OUT OF RADIOHEAD,” Yorke gets asked all the uncomfortable questions he’s regularly asked. As it begins, Yorke quickly clarifies for the off-screen interviewer that, “This is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”

Though the questions delve into Yorke’s celebrity status, they get more at how that status affects money: the free, expensive gifts and shopping sprees celebrity entails. Yorke admits to accepting “a Russian egg” (likely a nested matryoshka doll rather than a Fabergé egg) from “some big fish at Microsoft” and admits to using his celebrity to get free petrol. When asked: “What’s the most money you’ve blown in a single day?” Yorke immediately emits an interjectional and embarrassed, baritone “ew” followed by a quick edit to a revealing “uh.” Yorke then stares for a long four-seconds into the camera with a pasted-on, uncomfortable grin then answers: “Six fluffy wee rabbits.” Watching Yorke become uncomfortable is discomforting. Ew, uh, and paused fake grin add up to: next question, please.

Watch. Plus an early, live studio performance of “There There.”


Message 300: Be Constructive

Piecing together the lyrics for Dollars & Cents is not easy. The sites and, have incomplete or incorrect lyrics here and here. So far, this has been compiled:

there are better things to talk about
be constructive
bear witness
there are weapons we can use
be constructive
with yer blues
even when he (it?) turn the water blue
even when he (it?) turn the water green

oh won’t you quiet down?
oh won’t you quiet down?
oh won’t you quiet down?
why won’t you quiet down?
quiet down

(There are unclear background lyrics here)

you don’t live in a business world
he never goes and you never stay
with all our goals in a liberal world
living in times when I could stand it, babe

[ ??? ]
I could see out of here
all over, the planet’s dead
all over, the planet [ ??? ]
so let me out of here

all over, all over, all over, all over

quiet down (etc. backs the the following lyrics)
we are the dollars and cents and the pounds and pence and the mark and the yen, the yen
we’re gonna crack your little souls
we’re gonna crack your little soul
we are the dollars and cents and the pounds and pence and yeah
we’re gonna crack your little souls
crack your little souls
we are the dollars and cents

Please do add corrections in the comments.


Message 299: Carved from Trees or Stamped from Metal Sheets

Paul Lansky, whose mild und leise is sampled on “Idioteque,” is now interested in making music with objects “carved from trees or stamped from metal sheets.”

Mr. Lansky has written a new chapter, or at least a fat footnote, in the annals of artistic reinvention. A professor at Princeton, he was a pioneering figure in the computer music field and wrote one of its important programs, Cmix. (He also earned a place of honor with Radiohead fans when the band used an excerpt from an early piece.) But Mr. Lansky has abandoned the art form that made his name and has turned to more traditional composition.

Read more. Via ArtsJournal.


Message 298: Chickenbomb

Quoted in full from Vernie Yeung’s video short appearing on The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth of All Time:

01 A Whole Chicken
For better result, get discounted chicken from any local supermarkets.
02 An Air Tight Glass Jar.
Make sure the glass jar is 100% airtight, and is big enough to to fit the chicken.
03 A Water Tank.
The Water tank must be bigger than the glass jar.
04 Plenty of Milk.
Get Discounted Milk. Make sure you have enough milk to fill up the tank.
05 A Gas Mask.
This is optional. Not necessary during the process.

01 Place the chicken into the air-tight jar, leaving the lid off.
02 Fill up the water tank with milk.
03 Place the jar into the milk, ensuring the jar is completely coverd.
04 Put the jar carefully in a warm place for six days. During this time the rotten chicken will slowly expand, and the milk will turn green/grey.
05. Place the jar in a hidden corner near Camden Town tube station. Leave the area immediately, the jar will crack at any moment, spreading a harmless foul stench into the air, causing the public to evacuate the surrounding area. If you have prepared a gasmask you can now wander around Camden Town freely on your own.


Message 297: Thinking Too Hard

Writing about Marx and Radiohead is more of what Radiohead would say listeners shouldn’t do: think too hard about their music. In Rainbows, especially, is hard to think about without feeling you’re thinking too hard.

Compare the obscurely pointed lyrics of Kid A, e.g. “We’ve got heads on sticks / You’ve got ventriloquists,” to the lyrics of In Rainbows, e.g. “I don’t want to be your friend / I just want to be your lover.” While In Rainbows has its paranoid moments, the “closed circuit cameras,” for example of “Jigsaw Falling Into Place,” the lyrics tend toward everyday, human emotions and interactions. There are no narrations dreaming of alien abduction, no mobiles skwrking, no thieves being hailed, and few, if any, allusions to Pynchon or Orwell, and on and on.

This article/extended blog posts in The Word puts it best:

The result, after a further year of work, was probably the most beautiful and even joyful record that Radiohead have made. If The Bends was about them discovering their talent, and OK Computer was about deciding what to do with it – and if Kid A and Amnesiac were about testing the limits of what a rock audience would accept – then In Rainbows put everything that Radiohead and Godrich had learned into the service of the best of human emotions.

Writing about Radiohead and capitalism is easy compared to writing about Radiohead and emotions. I’ve long avoided in this blog using the first person. I’ve avoided for years writing about what is still my favorite song, “Life in a Glasshouse.” The song makes me sad. A reader of this blog once pointed out a clear misreading I’d made of a line from “Let Down”: “Don’t get sentimental / It always ends up drivel.” I’d written that this was evidence of Radiohead’s distrust of emotion. But, as the reader said, how can you listen to this song and not become emotional, and not become sentimental? Someone who’s let down, who’s taking off and landing, who’s feeling the emptiest of feelings, would say those words and become hysterical and useless. Wanting to distrust emotions is not the same as distrusting them.

Ed O’Brien said, “On In Rainbows I liked the fact that he was writing about universal human emotions again, which he hadn’t done for a while.” I liked it too.


Message 296: Throwing Rocks at Streetlamps

The post here claimed that I’d be writing on Radiohead and Marx for Radiohead and Philosophy. For personal reasons, unrelated to the book altogether (which will be excellent), I decided not to contribute.

Despite that, writing on the topic did start, but didn’t finish. It picked up where this blog post left off, turning to Marx as the best philosopher to help understand how money can, as Yorke puts it, get you by the balls. Quoted from the broken essay:

The best philosopher for understanding how money corrupts is Karl Marx. But music and Marx? Though Marx wrote nothing systematic on music, but we know he liked it, even loved it. And this music-loving Marx is the one more people should know. After park outings in London, Marx and his daughters sang their way home. Much earlier a worried mother wrote in 1835 to an ill son at Bonn University with the usual maternal cautions, but added, “Be careful also not to catch cold and, dear Carl, do not dance until you are quite well again.” We don’t know if this penchant for dance lasted after university, but I like to think it did; if not dance, then a love for music. Consider: for the greatest part of his life, Marx lived in London and one evening, feeling nationalistic after a pub crawl —one beer each at the eighteen pubs between Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road—Marx is said to have harassed a group of patrons at the last stop. (And yes, a Marx in his early 40s made it through all eighteen pubs, presumably walking and not crawling.) Rumor has it Marx proclaimed: “No country but Germany … could have produced such masters as Beethoven, Mozart, Handel and Haydn; snobbish, cant-ridden England was fit only for philistines.” “Damned foreigners,” was heard and Marx, with drinking companions in tow, fled into the night to throw paving stones at streetlights.

This anecdote, remembered by Wilhelm Liebknecht, one of the evening’s co-conspirators, is one of the few glimpses of Marx’s musical taste. There’s likely little rhyme or reason to what prompted a Marx deep in his cups to trot out musical composers as the height of German achievement, but we might argue in vino (and in cervesae) veritas. Marx not only knew the names of his countries’ great composers but mentioned them instead of other Germans—like Hegel, Marx’s largest philosophical influence, and Goethe, perhaps the country’s greatest writer—who’d left the most obvious marks on his work.

This vision of Marx, dancing at university and defending Germany’s music and throwing rocks at streetlights, is the best place to start. It’s best not, in Radiohead’s words, to “get any big ideas” about Marx. In other words, set aside what you might know about Marx: throw out the quotes that might be circling your head from The Communist Manifesto or your ideas about Communism or Marxism. This is even what Marx would ask; on hearing a group call themselves Marxist he said, “I at least am not a Marxist.” I admit, approaching Marx without preconceptions or context is difficult or maybe impossible—approaching a “Nude” Marx is maybe, “not going to happen.” Yet, his most sympathetic readers—people like Louis Althusser, Etienne Balibar, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Edmund Wilson—all suggest this may be the best way into his difficult, dense philosophy for beginning, intermediate and advanced readers alike. If we can imagine a metaphorically “Nude” Marx—yet with wild hair and beard still in place for dramatic effect (he consciously cultivated the beard, letters reveal)—then we can rearrange the puzzle of his philosophy so at least some of the jigsaw pieces fall into place.

Marx’s philosophy might be best summed up by a sentence from a work that pre-dates the multi-volume, phonebookishly-oversized monument known in German as Das Capital. The sentence runs: “Men make their own history, but not of their own free will; not under circumstances they themselves have chosen but under the given and inherited circumstances with which they are directly confronted.” This sentence, in some ways, captures all of what later writers have dubbed “dialectical materialism,” the name later philosophers gave to Marx’s philosophical outlook. But we don’t need to name Marx’s philosophy anything to understand the core of it: people exist in tension between what they would make of the world and what the world would make of them.

It is exactly this tension Thom Yorke is trying to speak about in 1997, the tension between making music and making money from that music. Even though making music has brought them money, they fear money is now dictating what music they make. Radiohead’s entire career can be read as playing out this tension—sometimes the world wins, sometimes Radiohead wins. Right now, arguably, with the digital self-distribution of one of their best albums to date, Radiohead has won the latest battle.

Here the palimpsest fragments.


Message 295: Aniboom

Radiohead’s Aniboom has chosen its top five finalists. They are:

Reckoner v2 by virtual lasagne
Reckoner by videogruppe1
Transmutation by tstretch1976
16tracks vs videotape 2.0 by 16tracks
15 step v2.0 by KotaTotori


Message 294: W.A.S.T.E._CE NTR AL.COM/

Late. Again. I signed up today for an account on The usefulness of the site isn’t immediately apparent. I created a Facebook group for members:


Message 293: Twenty-One Hundred and Four CSV Files

As part of the video, Radiohead provides a link to a 3D viewer that allows you to manipulate three different scenes from the video. As the instructions say: “Click and drag to rotate// Mousewheel to zoom.”

Aaron Meyers working with Aaron Koblin, the video’s director of technology, devised the laser technique and the video was directed by James Frost.

You can download the data: 2104 CSV files at a total size of roughly 842 megabytes, not including the application to convert the data. No one has yet to upload their own version of the video to the YouTube group.

A “Behind the Scenes” video is also available: [broken link]