
Message 312: Yale Symphony Orchestra will perform “Popcorn Superhet Receiver”

On March 29th, 2009 at 4pm the Yale Symphony Orchestra will perform Jonny Greenwood’s “Popcorn Superhet Receiver.” The performance will take place at Battell Chapel, New Haven, CT. Purchase:

Ticket Prices: $10 general admission, $2 students (that’s ALL students, not just Yale students);
To order tickets call Shubert Theater Box Office 203-562-5666

Music by Paul Dukas, Mozart and Dvorák will also be performed.

Some information on what a Popcorn Superhet Receiver is can be found in Message 181. Alex Ross has also discussed the composition in The New Yorker.


Message 311: Ashes to Ashes

In this promotional video for the Grammy Awards, Thom Yorke mentions the music video for David Bowie’s “Ashes to Ashes.”


Message 310: Sail To The Chop, et_cetera

In his W.A.S.T.E Central profile, Thom Yorke has posted music. Here are three songs from that profile:

Harrowdown Hill Jump Remix

Sail To The Chop

Robot Reckoner Celeste2


Message 308: Radiohead and Philosophy

A book called Radiohead and Philosophy.


Message 307: Harrowdown Hill and Tilt-shift Video

A post on Metafilter on tilt-shift videos. Tilt-shift is the technique used in the “Harrowdown Hill” video. More here and here.


Message 306: Video for Reckoner

Thom Yorke explains on Dead Air Space that the new video for “Reckoner” is not new,

it’s the result of somebody entering a competition to make an animation to one of the tunes on IN RAINbows.
on aniboom. …
so we asked them whether it was ok to make it the official one we use as it goes with the song so well. they said yes.

The video:
Radiohead – Reckoner – by Clement Picon


Message 305: Remix Reckoner

Radiohead is giving fans the change to remix Reckoner, much like they did for Nude. Some Reckoner remixes are, dare I say, better than the original.


Message 304: The Main Bulk

Colin Greenwood: “We’ve finished the main bulk of it and we’re off to Japan in a couple of weeks to finish it off.” Read more.

Via and


Message 303: Santa Barbara Webcast

Thanks to Andy Bezbozhny: the August 28 webcast of Radiohead’s Santa Barbara concert is available.


Message 302: Welling Up


The movie opens with a shot of dry, bare Western hills. Then we see a man prospecting for silver at the bottom of a shaft. He blasts the hole deeper with dynamite, falls and breaks his leg, and, with a titanic struggle, draws himself back up. Finally, we see him lying on the floor of an assay office, his leg in a splint, signing for the earnings that will enable him to drill for oil. The sequence is almost entirely wordless, but it is framed by music, much of it dense and dissonant. At the very beginning, you hear a chord of twelve notes played by a smoldering mass of string instruments. After seven measures, the strings begin sliding along various trajectories toward the note F-sharp. This music comes from a Greenwood piece called “Popcorn Superhet Receiver,” and, although it wasn’t composed for the film, it supplies a precise metaphor for the central character. The coalescence of a wide range of notes into a monomaniacal unison may tell us most of what we need to know about the crushed soul of the future tycoon Daniel Plainview.

End quotation. Read more.