
Message 152: Book Update

I received word today from Ashgate Publishing that The Music and Art of Radiohead is scheduled for an early 2005 publication. If all goes as planned, the book will be available January 2005.

There are several ways to pre-order. The book is available for pre-ordering online directly from Ashgate in both paperback and hardback versions. The book is also listed for pre-order on in both paperback and hardback versions.

The book is also available via (France), (Germany), and (Japan).

Here is the book’s description: The Music and Art of Radiohead includes compelling close readings of the English band’s music, lyrics, album cover art and music videos as well as critical commentary on interviews, reviews and the documentary film Meeting People is Easy. Established and emerging academic scholars engage Radiohead’s music and art via concerns of broader implication to contemporary cultural studies. Topics range from the band’s various musical and multivalent social contexts to their contested situation within a global market economy; from asking the question, ‘how free is art?’ to considering the band’s musical influences and radical sonic explorations. Together, the essays form a comprehensive discussion of Radiohead’s entire oeuvre, from Pablo Honey to Hail to the Thief, with a special focus on the critically acclaimed best-selling albums Kid A and Amnesiac.


Message 151: is changing. From the site page: “Greetings interested traveller; we welcome you to the front page of our humble website. We must apologise, for it is being rebuilt in a new idiom, inspired by the visions of Mssrs Donwood & Tchock. Much swearing and untangling of code is occuring in the potting shed. Rest assured; we are not trying to build anything confusing or hopelessly obscure; oh no… we would never dream of such a thing. It may, however, change and mutate uncontrollably when finished. This is good, this is what we wish too happen and it should. We are sort of busy, making new pictures and words and terrible fearsome code. As you can see from the photograph above we have decided to go back to basics and sit around this pump organ for a good old traditional middle of the road singsong like they used to do in the Olden Days before it all went wrong, when rock’n’roll was young etc., etc…”

Some design notes: test specimens are back but with a different look (wider more detailed eyes). Minotaurs have also returned but are also very different looking from previous incarnations. Also, airplanes and sun appear in several panels.


Message 150: Nudnik Headache

Song 7 of Jonny Greenwood’s Bodysong soundtrack is titled “Nudnik Headache.” Nudnik is a word from Yiddish that means “someone who is a boring pest.”

The title of the album’s last song is “Tehellet,” a word for which I cannot find a precedent.


Message 149: Liffey

The following is excerpted from an email Patrick Brereton sent to me in February 2004:

“In Message 65, you discuss the line “I float down the Liffey” from How to Disappear Completely in relation to Joyce’s ‘Finnegan’s Wake’, which i found interesting. When i first heard the line, my reaction was also to think of Joyce, but in relation to ‘Ulysses’ – particularly The Wandering Rocks chapter in which Bloom tosses a flier with the message ‘Elijah is Coming’ (or something along those lines) into the Liffey. Then throughout the chapter you read the flier’s vantage point as it floats down the Liffey. (Joyce actually investigated the currents of the river to determine where the paper would be located along the river at the various times that the chapter encapsulates…)”


Message 148: This theatre of the absurd

Thom Yorkes writes: “It was entirely in the public interest to question the construction of this intelligence report, even if done rather shakily at 6.07am. That is what public service broadcasting should be about, serving no proprietor, not controlled by the state, and addressing the concerns of those who pay for its existence. This is exactly what the Today programme did in this instance. So where was the mistake?” Read more here.


Message 147: Episodes

Below are direct links to the episodes. These are large files (approx. 100 megabytes each) that may be downloaded and saved to your computer as well:

The above links were found via Another link found via the video for Knives Out.

UPDATE, 1/30/05: the above links are dead.


Message 146: Split Sides

I would like to publish on Pulk-Pull* a review and/or other comments on the performance Radiohead did with Merce Cunningham. If any readers would like to contribute, please email


Message 145: Missing

Thom Yorke wants to know where 28 pages went (RealOne Player required). Those 28 pages are mentioned in a CBS News article. The missing pages (as reported here) are said to deal “with Saudi Arabia’s links to terrorism.” The report is available in full (minus 28 pages of course) here.


Message 144: A Bit Worried

Stanley Donwood is a bit worried. The soundtrack would be: CNN CNN CNN CNN.


Message 143: Big Fish Eat the Little Ones

The first lines of “Optimistic”, the sixth song on Kid A reads:

Flies are buzzing round my head
Vultures circling the dead
Picking up every last crumb
The big fish eat the little ones
Big fish eat the little ones
Not my problem, give me some

The phrase “Big fish eat the little ones” is proverbial (according to Morris Tilley’s A Dictionary of the Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries) and appears in Shakespeare’s play Pericles, Prince of Tyre published in 1609. The third fisherman, in Act 2, Scene 1, asks the first fisherman: “Maister, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea?” The first fisherman responds: “Why, as men do a-land, the great ones eat up the little ones.”