
Message 232: Operation Phantom Fury

At Slowly Downward Manufactory, Donwood offers his cryptic short short stories gratis and sells screen prints of his visual art. The caption for “Operation Phantom Fury“—a limited-edition pr selling for £200—reads:

What we have here is some kind of hateful monster orchestrating a rain of incendiaries upon a burning city. Operation Phantom Fury was the codename given to the US military assault on the Iraqi city of Falluja in November 2004. You can read as much or as little into this picture as you like.

Drawn with clean lines and colored a careful, surgical white with crossed-out eyes and sickly long fingers, the monster stands with a determined, stitched-closed frown over a city with Mediterranean-inspired architecture that burns in unmixed reds, yellows and oranges. Explaining the print’s title, Donwood gives us an interpretation. But the caption’s closing sentences undermines any interpretation: “You can read as much or as little into this picture as you like.”


Message 231: White Phosphorus

A November 29 press conference with Donald Rumsfeld and General Pace answered questions regarding white phosphorus. Rumsfeld deferred to Pace on the matter, who answered:

White phosphorus is a legitimate tool of the military. It is used for two primary purposes. One is to mark a location for strike by an aircraft, for example. The other is to be used — because it does create white smoke — to be used as a screening agent so that you can move your forces without being seen by the enemy. It is not a chemical weapon, it is an incendiary (sic) [It is not an incendiary weapon as defined by the 1980 Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons], and it is well within the law of war to use those weapons as they are being used for marking and for screening.

Q: But you and I have both seen the results of “Willy Pete” in Vietnam. And when it’s on the skin, it doesn’t stop burning until it goes all the way through or runs out of oxygen. It’s a pretty tough weapon. Do you want to use it in urban areas such as Fallujah?

GEN. PACE: No armed force in the world goes to greater effort than your armed force to protect civilians and to be very precise in the way we apply our power. A bullet goes through skin even faster than white phosphorus does. So I would rather have the proper instrument applied at the proper time as precisely as possible to get the job done in a way that kills as many of the bad guys as possible and does as little collateral damage as possible. That is just the nature of warfare.


Message 230: Schoolchildren

Dubuffet, Jean. Asphyxiating Culture and Other Writing. Trans. Carol Volk. NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1986.

Professors are grown-up schoolchildren, schoolchildren who, once their school days were over, left school through one door only to return through another, like military men who reenlist. They are schoolchildren who, instead of aspiring to an adult life, that is to say a creative life, cling to this schoolchild’s stance, a stance which is passively receptive, like a sponge. The creative spirit is as opposed as possible to that of the professor. (13)


Message 229: Chchchchanges

Pulk-Pull* has migrated from Movable Typle to WordPress. Some files, notably videos, blips, etc., have not yet made the transition. The site’s current layout is based on a WordPress theme entitled “Gentle Calm” by Phu Ly available via’s theme browser.

pettifogging Uncategorized

Message 228: The Lukewarm

Few will buy, even fewer will wear a tshirt promoting their status at the outer rim of Dante’s hell, but perhaps it could be a statement of resistance against entering into and remaining in such a state. One imagines Tony Blair in such traveling attire. Fetching, indeed, he would look in an aeroplane over the sea in such a shirt. Or yet again, MMrr. BBuusshh, the 43rd. Do I stutter? No, no. The tshirt is high priced at 19.99, but cafepress’s pricing structure is unkind (discriminatory?) to darker colored shirts. Mr. Bush, we know, does not like black people and is likely one not to prefer black shirts.

Note: the Washington Post transcript reads: “West: George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” When I saw this, it was said not with an exclamation point, as if in angry surprise, but in calmer tone, a more serious tone. Why? Because he was right.


Message 227: Lemon or “the fruyt that es called lymons”

From the OED: “1. a. An ovate fruit with a pale yellow rind, and an acid juice. Largely used for making a beverage and for flavouring. The juice yields citric acid; the rind yields oil or essence of lemons, used in cookery and perfumery.”

…the quietly tortured opener of Radiohead’s fourth album, Kid A: “Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon.” “Lots of people say that song is gibberish,” Yorke says irritably. “It’s not. It’s totally about that” — the mute, vengeful paralysis he felt in Birmingham, which stayed with Yorke deep into the strange, simultaneous recording of Radiohead’s twin hits, Kid A and the just-released Amnesiac.In England, Yorke explains, “sucking a lemon” refers to “the face you pull because a lemon is so tart.” He twists his sharp features into a ferocious grimace.

“That’s the face I had for three years.”

–quoted from RS


Message 226: Radiohead Answerphone

Where can one find this “Answerphone”?

The ‘Answerphone’ fan club pack advertised in w.a.s.t.e. #8 is now complete. For £5 or 14 I.R.C.s (international reply coupons), you can be the proud owner of a sixteen page booklet containing a full biography, lyrics for Pablo Honey and lyrics for the My Iron Lung E.P.s., comments by the band on the making of The Bends, personal files and some great photos. Also a poster and a very funky chunky ‘r’ badge.


Message 225: 29,375 pounds including VAT

Several paintings by Stanley Donwood are for sale via artnet. Two Hail to the Thief era paintings, Hollywood and London, sell for 29,375 pounds and 25,000 pounds respectively.


Message 224: unpackt?

Anyone know what happened to radiohead unpackt?


Message 223: Yorke’s Dante translation

The translation of Dante that Thom Yorke seems to have used in this quote is Sinclair’s:

‘Now must thou thus cast off all sloth,’ said the Master ‘for sitting on down or under blankets none comes to fame, and without it he that consumes his life leaves such trace of himself on earth as smoke in air or foam on the water. Rise, therefore, conquer thy panting with the soul, which conquers in every battle if it sink not with its body’s weight. There is a longer stair which must be climbed’ (XXIV, pg. 297)

Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, I: Inferno, trans. John D. Sinclair (NY: Oxford UP, 1959)
This translation was first published in 1939.